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Webinar – Treating Opioid Dependance – One Person at a Time

Virtual Event MN, United States

Join us for the 'Treating Opioid Dependance - One Person at a Time' webinar on April 18. This webinar will help participants understand a variety of treatment interventions that are both saving and transforming the lives of individuals who were previously addicted to opioids.

Webinar – Managing Personality Disordered Clients in a Co-Occurring Setting

Virtual Event MN, United States

Join us for the 'Managing Personality Disordered Clients in a Co-Occurring Setting' webinar on June 6. In this webinar, you will learn what a personality disorder is, how to identify characteristics of cluster B personality disorders, and simple techniques that will allow you to manage personality disordered clients.

Webinar – The Ripple Effect: Examining The Impact of 2023 MN Legislative Decisions on the Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Field

Virtual Event MN, United States

Join us for the 'The Ripple Effect: Examining The Impact of 2023 MN Legislative Decisions on the Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Field' webinar on September 26. The 2023 legislative session has witnessed critical decisions that are reshaping the landscape of the substance use disorder (SUD) and recovery field. This webinar aims to delve into the far-reaching consequences of these legislative actions and shed light on their implications for individuals struggling with addiction and the professionals and organizations dedicated to their recovery.

Webinar – The Intersection of Substance Abuse and Psychosis: Evidenced-based Interventions

Virtual Event MN, United States

Join us for the 'The Intersection of Substance Abuse and Psychosis: Evidenced-based Interventions' webinar on September 27. In this webinar, you will learn about the dramatic increase in the number of clients presenting with psychosis symptoms related to substance abuse and trauma in treatment programs in recent years.

Webinar | Medical Marijuana & Addiction Treatment – Can They Co-Exist?

Virtual Event MN, United States

Join us for the 'Medical Marijuana & Addiction Treatment' webinar on October 16. In this webinar, you will learn about the negative impact of medical marijuana on the field of addiction treatment and interventions designed to help our clients successfully recover despite the legal availability of medical marijuana.